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FSX/FSX-SE Scenery--6FD0-8J2-79FL Airports

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FSX/FSX-SE Scenery--6FD0-8J2-79FL Airports Windy Acres Airport (6FD0) located in west central Florida (FL), USA is a privately owned, private use facility established in March, 1988. 6FD0 features a 2600 x 100 ft turf runway. The airport lists no home based aircraft. Ames Field (8J2) located 2300 meters due North from 6FD0 is a privately owned, private use facility established in July, 1977. 73FD features a 2600 x 75 ft. turf runway. The airport lists 2 home based single engine aircraft. Neal Field (79FL) located 950 meters due South from 6FD0 is a privately owned, private use facility established in December, 1982. 79FL features a 1900 x 100 ft. turf runway with a wind indicator. The airport lists 1 home based single engine aircraft. These versions came about as an attempt to provide a more accurate version of these airports and the surrounding area using the stock FSX scenery with no add-ons. The project uses all freely available libraries and is an approximate representation of the airports. By Frederick Zealor.

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