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X-Plane 10 Scenery--KBGF Winchester Municipal Airport

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X-Plane 10 Scenery--KBGF Winchester Municipal Airport, Tennessee (TN), USA. Winchester Municipal Airport, Winchester TN, birthplace of noted entertainer, Dinah Shore, was

named after a War of 1812 general and later has a Civil War history (see WIKI), Primarily the area is

noted for its vacation, fishing and other recreational facilities, state park and nearby lakes. GBF bases 36

aircraft, 1 jet, 1 helicopter, 28 singles and 6 Multi's (07/2017). Flite/Ops avg. 36/day, 62% local and 31%

transient GA, 7% other. Requires OpenSceneryX (OPENSCENERYX.ZIP) and the MisterX Library


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