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FSX BUAF ATL-98 Carvair G-ASKG 1967

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FSX BUAF ATL-98 Carvair G-ASKG 1967. Repaint of ATL-98 Carvair G-ASKG in 1967 British Uniter Air Ferries livery. Built in Chicago as C-54A-15-DC c/n 10382, USAAF serial 42-72277 in 1944, this aircraft was converted to the tenth Carvair in 1963. It was delivered to British United Air Ferries (BUAF) and directly 'wet lased'to to the Napels based company Alisud for several months and operated also a short while for two french companies. It was in service on the 'Channel' routes until 1975. It had a second live in Africa until it was destroyed in Kinshasha in 1995. Payware Flight Replica DC-4/Carvair for FSX/P3D required. By Rob Kalis.

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