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FS2004/FSX/P3D Kosmos Airlines: Flight for Flight - FSPassengers

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FS2004/FSX/P3D Kosmos Airlines: Flight for Flight - FSPassengers. You are a Captain of the legendary Tupolev Tu-134. You and your crew take part in an international event for aviation enthusiasts called "Flight For Flight". Early in the morning depart from Vnukovo Airport to Kaluga, where participants of the event are expected to visit the Tsiolkovsky Museum of the History of Cosmonautics, go for spotting at Kaluga Airport, meet real cosmonauts and other interesting people that devoted themselves to aviation. At the end of the event take the participants back to Moscow, Vnukovo Airport. Your goal as a Captain is to provide effective crew management and coordination so that your experienced navigator would make the best route considering that after taking off in Kaluga your pax would have had an opportunity to enjoy its surroundings from 1,500 ft, your flight attendants would manage to serve drinks to the participants in flight, and that your piloting skills allow them to take good pictures and videos during takeoff, landing, and in flight. This update comes as complete crewpacks that allow you to make welcome crew announcements and messages after landing at the airports Vnukovo, Moscow (IATA: VKO, ICAO: UUWW) and Kaluga Grabtsevo (IATA: KLF, ICAO: UUBC). IMPORTANT: Kosmos Airlines Tupolev Tu-134 CrewPack for FSPassengers is required and should be installed prior to installing the update. By Gene Churumov.


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