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X-Plane 10 And 11 Scenery--CRQ1 Nicola Lake Area BC 1.0

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X-Plane 10 And 11 Scenery--CRQ1 Nicola Lake Area British Columbia 1.0. Nicola Lake is a glacially formed narrow, deep lake located in the South-Central Interior of British Columbia, Canada approximately thirty kilometres northeast of the city of Merritt. It was a centrepoint of the first settlements in the grasslands lying south of Kamloops, and today is used for recreation and as a water storage site to provide irrigation and water flows to fisheries downstream in the Nicola River. This X-Plane scenery requires: OpenSceneryX (OPENSCENERYX.ZIP). Highly recommended, but not required, is the HD Mesh scenery file of the same location: XP10_HD_MESH_V3_+50-130-NORTH_AMERICA.ZIP. By Canada4XPlane.

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