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X-Plane 10 And 11 Ottawa Macdonald–Cartier Int'l Airport 1.5

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X-Plane 10 And 11 Ottawa Macdonald–Cartier Int'l Airport 1.5. Ottawa/Macdonald–Cartier International Airport or Macdonald–Cartier International Airport in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada is an international airport named after the Canadian statesmen and two of the "founding fathers of Canada", Sir John A. Macdonald and Sir George-Etienne Cartier. This X-Plane scenery features custom terminal (updated modern terminal), custom hangars, ground traffic, custom asphalt (courtesy of MisterX6), custom wind tunnel, fully accurate taxilines, taxiways, gate numbers, plus many more features. These and the required libraries for the scenery can be found in the included documentation. By Canada4XPlane.

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