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FSX Urraca Colombia Douglas DC-3/C-47

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About This File

FSX Urraca Colombia Douglas DC-3/C-47. This paint is for the freeware FSX/FSX-SE/P3D Douglas C-47R Skytrain v3.12 beta. Urraca (Magpie) was founded in 1962 as a small cargo and passenger enterprise based at Villavicencio, Colombia. Urraca's routes, initally as a charter company, were to gravel or soil short runways all around the isolated Colombian jungles and plains. Their DC-3 fleet was grounded in 1978 and replaced for bigger C-46s. Urraca went to bankruptcy during 1980 and has the record as the most dangerous airline in the Colombian history. The depicted textures are from HK-1315. By Mauricio Rozo.

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