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FS2004 Scenery-- Dolbeau-St-Felicien

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FS2004 Scenery-- Dolbeau-St-Felicien (CYDO), in Quebec, Canada. This is the fourth of five sceneries around Lac Saint-Jean in Quebec, Canada. Saint-Felicien is a village on a small river at the western end of Lac Saint-Jean, and the airfield is just under 10 miles to the northeast. At the same distance further to the northeast of the airfield and on a slightly larger river is the village called Dolbeau. The village of Sainte-Methode is closer than either of the other two but presumably lacked influence. The airfield effectively has one runway aligned 11-29 and just under 5,000 feet long, with approach lights on 11. There is, or was, a second runway aligned north-south but this has badly deteriorated without maintenance and has loose stones that threaten propeller damage. The taxiway that runs east-west is in a similar condition and all planes now usually operate as if there is no taxiway. There is a clubhouse and a maintenance facility along with a line of old hangars that remain in full use, plus planes parked in the open. The landclass has been modified along with the grassed area of the airfield, and in the AI (included with the post of CYRC) there are scheduled flights by Max Aviation, and GA flights etc. It is a really typical airfield in northern(ish) rural Canada with a lot more activity than one might expect. The video gets back to Dolbeau at around 55.00 for the landing and taxi to the apron. By Roger Wensley.


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