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FSX New Orleans Tourism -- Superdome Fly By

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FSX New Orleans Tourism -- Superdome Fly By. Very simple mission. Beginner level. Take off from KNEW (New Orleans Lakefront). Fly a visitor to the Superdome. Head back and land at Lakefront. Taxi to (Point of Interest). Mission complete. By Joseph Guccione.

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Mission complete.


...Or so did the pilot think.


Days later, Joe was finishing his quarterly report at the office he had been working in for years. His hot-headed coworker, Dan, was again at it with the faulty copier machine and Susan, the receptionist was complaining about how the local Starbucks had increased their frappucino prices for the second time this year.


Joe's cell phone buzzed. It was his friend Greg texting him.


"Hey man, that was an amazing plane ride last Saturday! Thx a bunch for the ride!"


With a slight grin, Joe replied back.


"No problem friend! We should meet up when you come around the area again - hopefully with your family next time!"


Out of the corner of his eye, Joe could see that someone had just brewed a fresh batch of coffee. How could a pilot not be attracted to the sweet scent of coffee? Joe got up from his seat to take a much-needed brea...


The phone rang.


Thinking that it was either his wife reminding him to fill up the gas on the family car, Joe picked it up immediately.


"Hi, my name is Dave," declared an unfamiliar voice on the other end of the line. "I'm calling from the FAA and was wondering if you have a few minutes to talk?"


This meant only one thing. Joe had busted a stadium TFR.

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