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X-Plane 9.70+ Scenery--OR23 Karpens Airport 1.0

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X-Plane 9.70+ Scenery--OR23 Karpens Airport 1.0. Karpens Airport is a short and narrow (1900x75 feet) dirt/turf strip 10 miles east of KAST Warrenton (Astoria), Oregon that the author uses as an initial point to descend into KAST from the east (KAST_ASTORIA_REGIONAL_130.ZIP). The owner apparently shares the airport with neighbors, as there are several hangars about with access to the strip. XP9.7. Ortho is from the USGS. The author of this scenery has used OpensceneryX objects, plus his own custom ones. Grasses are by Simon W. Other objects are from Stuart McGregor and Jaques Brault. The whole scenery has been moved about 1/8 of a mile east to match up with XP9 roads, and to convert the un-level strip from a dip to a bit of a hump. Pattern traffic is right. With 'follow terrain' on, landing requires good short-field technique. Your best bet is to approach downwind from the west, get down to less than 500 feet and go to full flaps after turning final. Slow to just above stall just prior to touchdown and raise flaps immediately, feathering the prop and braking heavy. If you go over the hump you will probably not be able to stop. Requires: OpenSceneryX (OPENSCENERYX.ZIP). By Richard Nilsson.

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