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X-Plane 9.70+ Scenery--WN24 Cougar Flats Airstrip 1.0

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X-Plane 9.70+ Scenery--WN24 Cougar Flats Airstrip 1.0. Cougar Flats (Washington, USA) is a rural private 'turf' strip 11 miles north of KKLS Kelso (KKLS_KELSO-LONGVIEW_RGNL_APT.ZIP). It is surrounded by sparsely dispersed farms, ranches and forests. It no longer appears in AirNav, so the author doesn't know its real current status. In XP9 it runs east/west inside a farm field, about 1,200 feet in length which limits it to small GA bush aircraft such as the PA-18 and Cessna 180 with good short-field performance. Your best bet to avoid landing on a tree, house or barn is to arrive at default pattern AGL/IAS for a look-see before setting up for approach from either end. Bing Aerial orthos were used with permission (see included "Permissions" folder). Most objects are custom with some by OpenSceneryX and grasses by Simon W. Farm fences are by Stuart McGregor. The default XP grass strip has been left on top of the ortho so it can be seen from approach distance. Requires: OpenSceneryX (OPENSCENERYX.ZIP). By Richard Nilsson.

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