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X-Plane 11 Canadair CL-28 Argus 1.0.1

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X-Plane 11 Canadair CL-28 Argus 1.0.1. This is Jacques Brault's X-Plane 8 and 9 Canadair CL-28 Argus, converted for X-Plane 11. Built by Canadair, the military-designated CP-107 Argus was a maritime patrol aircraft flown by the Royal Canadian Air Force and Canadian Armed Forces from 1957 until 1982. The design was derived from the Bristol Britannia, with a dash of North American materials; wings, tail surfaces and landing gear were Britannia, but the rest was from North America. The fuselage was redesigned as unpressurised and the turboprops were swapped for Wright R3350 piston engines which gave better fuel consumption necessary for long low altitude patrol capability. Bomb bays were designed into the fuselage as well. This X-Plane model has a 2D instrument panel. Sounds created by Dataroots. Thank you to Jacques Brault for creating this aircraft for X-Plane. By Sean McLeod (Aerostarsim).

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