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FSX Scenery--Merrill Field PAMR

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FSX Scenery--Merrill Field PAMR. This posting is of Merrill Field PAMR as originally made FS2004, plus files needed to enable it to work in FSX. The original FS204 scenery is by Roger Wensley and the conversion of the scenery and AI is by John B Loney jnr. "PAMR read this first" explains the procedure, and the only change to John's original intentions is that there is no need to download and install three versions of PAMR (an original, plus two updates) as the current FS2004 version is included here. Merrill Field is in Anchorage Alaska, between Anchorage International to the southwest and and Elmendorf Air Force Base to the north. It caters for general aviation and is the land equivalent of the Lake Hood float plane base, with fuel and numerous maintenance facilities, and several hundred parking spots for small planes. There are three runways, and the longest is 4,000 feet of 100 feet wide asphalt, the second 2,635 feet of asphalt 75 feet wide, and the third 2,000 feet of 60 feet wide gravel. The first two are lighted. It is a controlled airfield with a relatively new control tower to cater for the numerous flights and to coordinate with Elmensdorf and Anchorage International, the latter also controlling flights from Lake Hood and the adjacent gravel strip Z41. By John B Loney jnr and Roger Wensley.


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