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FSX Update For The Heinkel P-1079 Prototype

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FSX Update For The Heinkel P-1079 Prototype. This was the second design for the He P.1079B all-weather heavy fighter. The wings were swept back sharply and contained six fuel tanks. A crew of two sat back-to-back in the cockpit, and armament was to be four MK 108 30mm cannon. No evidence has been found that the P.1079 projects were ever submitted to the RLM, but it is known that designer Siegfried Günter, along with his engineers Eichner and Hohbach, were working on these designs under U.S. supervision during the summer of 1945. This is an FSX update for the He-1079, originally designed for FS2002 by Stephen Robinson and updated for FSX by Keith Hackett in 2010. This new update features a new gauge configuration for the VC and a 2D panel has been added as well, both with now all German authentic gauges. Furthermore, smoke, burner effect and new camera views have been added also. The new livery (green camo) has been made by myself. Thanks to Steve Robinson for the original model, to Keith Hackett for the earliar FSX update, to Hauke Keitel for most of the gauges and to Mark Cranston for the sound. New 2D panel and gauge configuration, new livery and smoke and burner effect as well as additional camera views by Michael Pook.

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