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FS2004/FSX Saeta HA-200

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FS2004/FSX Saeta HA-200. Spanish jet fighter Saeta HA-200 from the 50th in two versions. The HA-200 Saeta (Arrow) was the first Spanish turbojet aircraft, used by the Spanish and Egyptian air forces. It was designed by Willy Messerschmitt and was eqipped with two relatively small jet engines. The first flight was 1955, entered service 1962. As an FS model you can fly a clean version in bare metal and an armed version in camo. The models have a photorealistic 2D panel and a VC with animated stick and throttle arms. FSDS 3.5 model by Erwin Welker. (See also SAETAHA200GAUGEREPLACEMENT.ZIP)



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A lot wrong with the FDE and the Geometry, not to mention the modeling of the intake which is not at all like the RW aircraft. I am not a modeler and I don't normally criticize any model, especially freeware since I have no abilities in that area. However when something is released, there is an expectation that the person who did the model has done his homework in all areas and it does not appear to be the case with the HA-200. A complete rework is in order.
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Just to be clear, my assumption was that Erwin had done this model from scratch since the description reads as though it is his model, but after looking over the original aircraft config file it is actually a model done several years ago by another modeler and all Erwin has done is enhance it somewhat. However my original assessment stands. . .the model needs to redone to correct the poorly modeled intake and the geometry and FDE don't really even match the aircraft.
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