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FSX Just Jane Avro Lancasters 6 Fuel Tank Update. This upgrade, dedicated to Fred and Harold Panton, is for the Plane-Design MkVII Just Jane Lancaster at East Kirkby to FSX was made possible by Jeff Lind who had the xml skills and interest to build a working flight engineer's panel using all six Lancaster wing tanks. The documentation provides an insight into the full use of the flight engineer's panel. It is suggested simmers fly this aircraft in the same way as the previously uploaded BBMF Lancasters in wide view aspect. After all it is a precious aircraft that is treated with care in the real world so why not the sim? Additional guages and updates to existing Plane-Design gauges by Jeff Lind. Trim gauges by Ted Cook. Lancaster 2015 paint by Koos van Menen of The Netherlands with the original Plane-Design paint adjusted for FSX by Ross McLennan. This upload may function in P3D (feedback will be gratefully accepted). By Ross McLennan.

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