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FSX Navy N2S-3 Stearman N44JP

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FSX Navy N2S-3 Stearman N44JP. This is a repaint only, for the payware Vertigo Studios Stearman Vol.1 set. This repaint depicts the restored Stearman N2S-3, N44JP, owned/operated by John Parish of St. Louis, Missouri. The aircraft, originally manufactured as U.S. Navy BuNo. 43576, was based (at least for a time) at NAS Ottumwa, Iowa in 1944 and 1945. The aircraft was acquired by the Parish family in 1980 and was sent to RARE Aircraft for restoration around 2009, where it was completely restored to award-winning condition, completed in 2011. The aircraft is painted in authentic U.S. Navy markings circa early 1943. By John Terrell.

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