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X-Plane 9.70+ Scenery--5OR3 Siletz 1.0

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X-Plane 9.70+ Scenery--5OR3 Siletz 1.0, Oregon (OR), USA. Siletz is privately owned by a family farm. The turf strip is short, only 1,300 feet, but well maintained and there is a clear glade for turning around at the south end. It is a particularly scenic area and about 10 miles NNE of KONP Newport (KONP_NEWPORT_MUNI_100.ZIP). Recommend takeoff and landing is to and from the north respectively, depending on the wind. Finding this rural strip for a low slow approach is tricky, and will take some good VFR line up with ground features. Pattern is left for runway 34, right for runway 16. The author has used OpenSceneryX objects, plus his own custom foliage and objects. Superb grasses are by Simon W. BBQ kettle by Scottish Wings. T-hangar is by Brosenguy. Orthos by USGS and Bing Maps (with permission, see enclosed /Permissions/ folder). OpenSceneryX (OPENSCENERYX.ZIP) is required. By Richard Nilsson.

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