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FSX Eastern Airlines Curtiss C-46 1945

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FSX Eastern Airlines Curtiss C-46 1945. Maybe, Maybe not. During WW2, Eastern operated C-46's for the USAAF Air Transport Command and explored the possibility of using them as passenger liners postwar. Some sources say they did some trial flights using them on their routes and I've seen period Eastern advertisements with passenger C-46s in the Great Silver Fleet livery depicted. But, other sources say they never actually flew a passenger C-46. So, with conflicting sources, I'm not going to say whether they did or didn't. Just that they were thinking about it. So, for those that are interested in such things, heres a 1945ish Eastern Airlines "Great Silver Fleet" C-46 Commando passenger liner with fictional tail and fleet numbers for use in FSX. By Willy McCoy.

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