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Prepar3D Douglas C-47 PH-PBA

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Prepar3D Douglas C-47 PH-PBA as operated from 1946 - 1947 and 1947 untill 1960. This download contains two liveries for the C-47 as owned and flown The Netherlands Government and is applicable for the Douglas C-47 V3 version by Manfred Jahn, Jan Visser and their team. This aircraft was once active in the II World War and thereafter stored in Germany. In 1946 it came in ownership with the Netherlands Government and was regulary flown by his RH Prince Bernard of The Netherlands and has flown for the Royal household for some years. In the first year it flew under its military registration and later it became registered as the well known PH-PBA. Requires DOUGLAS_C-47_V3_12_BETA.ZIP to be installed on your system in advance.The textures are based on the original textures from Jan Visser and have been modified by Emile Lancee.

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