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FS2004 Scenery--Alaska South Slope 12 - Teller K54

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FS2004 Scenery--Alaska South Slope 12 - Teller K54. There are four main northwestern Alaska towns which are serviced by Alaska Airlines, and from which local flights spread out. The northernmost is Barrow. Southwest of Barrow is Kotzebue, then Nome, and the furthest south is Bethel (not yet made). This is the fifth in a series for local flights from Nome, and it is on the coast around 55 miles east of Wales, and 55 miles northwest of Nome. There are two other airfields around a large lagoon that is almost totally enclosed from the sea, and Teller is on the eastern shore, just 15 miles east of Port Clarence and 5 miles southeast of Brevig Mission, both already posted. Teller has a population of around 230, down from the 5,000 or so in the early 1900's after the Bluestone Placer Mine struck gold. Tollef Brevik was a Lutheran missionary who was both a pastor and teacher for the Inuit in the area from 1894 onward, traveling from community to community but based in Teller, where the Teller Mission Church was later renamed the Brevig Mission. The name was later appropriated and used for the current village of that name; he was surely very well regarded by the local population. Unusually, it is possible to drive from Nome to Teller in summer, on a dirt road. Conversely, the road that shows in FS2004 to the north towards Brevig Mission (courtesy of Ultimate Terrain) does not in fact exist except in winter, when it is established on the snow by the tire tracks of users. The airstrip is southeast and 2 miles by road from the main part of the village on the spit, with a gravel runway 02-25 which is 3,500 feet of gravel. The AI is the usual for this area, Bering and ERA with some GA and cargo by Everts. By Roger Wensley.


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