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FS2004 Scenery--Alaska South Slope 10; Port Clarence KPC

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FS2004 Scenery--Alaska South Slope 10; Port Clarence KPC. There are four main northwestern Alaska towns which are serviced by Alaska Airlines, and from which local flights spread out. The northernmost is Barrow. Southwest of Barrow is Kotzebue, then Nome, and the furthest south is Bethel (not yet made). This is the third in a series for local flights from Nome, and it is on the coast around 40 miles east of Wales, and 65 miles northwest of Nome. There are two other airfields around a large lagoon that is almost totally enclosed from the sea, and Port Clarence is on the end of the enclosing spit. Port Clarence was, until the LORAN navigation system went out of use, a Coastguard Station that had a LORAN transmitter, with an impressive mast that was 1,350 feet tall. It "was" as the mast was demolished in 2010, after the LORAN systems had been closed down in stages (LORAN-A in 1980 in the US, LORAN-C in 2010). In the meantime the runway had been lengthened to around 8,500 feet, and continued to be used by the Coastguard. Port Clarence has a population of 24, in theory, though presumably the census information refers to Coastguard personnel in the buildings of the LORAN station. The date for this scenery is anytime you like so long as it is before 2010 as the mast is still there. The AI includes Coastguard C-130 Hercules and helicopter flights, plus a weekly fuel delivery by Everts Air Fuel in a fancy color scheme (Wednesday) and a daily visit by Bering so Coast Guards can go to civilisation in Nome. By Roger Wensley.


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