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FS2004 Scenery--Alaska South Slope 8 - Shishmaref PASH. There are four main northwestern Alaska towns which are serviced by Alaska Airlines, and from which local flights spread out. The northernmost is Barrow. Southwest of Barrow is Kotzebue, then Nome, and the furthest south is Bethel (not yet made). This is the first in a series of airfields for flights from Nome, and it is Shishmaref, 125 miles north of Nome on the far side of the Seward Peninsula. Shishmaref is a village on one of a string of islands off the northern shore of the Seward Peninsula, with a population of around 560. Like other similarly-sited villages (Kivalina, for instance) it is feeling the effects of coastal erosion and there are plans for an eventual relocation. The airfield is just beside the village, with a runway of almost 5,000 feet of lit asphalt aligned 05-23, with PAPI on both ends. There are scheduled flights by Era (now renamed Ravn) and by Bering Air, both of them originating in Nome. The AI includes these flights along with Everts Air and GA. By Roger Wensley.


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