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FSX Scenery--Jacksonville International Airport

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FSX Scenery--Jacksonville International Airport (KJAX), Florida (FL), USA. Jacksonville International Airport is a Class C airport in Jacksonville, Florida. It's the primary airport with airline service in Jacksonville. Jacksonville itself is the largest city in the US continuous 48 when measured by land area. Over the past ten years it has seen extensive renovations making the default very different from reality. Art Poole updated the airport adding the new terminal, and various custom made buildings. But it has been some years since Art's scenery and the airport has seen even more construction. This scenery will update Art Poole's scenery to the airport's current state. This scenery is self-contained and requires no additional downloads. Special features includes a custom AFCAD, extensive use of GP objects, updated instrument approaches (including RNAV-Y approaches), custom lighting, and several other features. By CountryFlyboy.

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I installed the scenery and texture files individually. Where does the "models" file go?

Looks real nice by the way. Thanks.

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KJAX folder goes in the addon scenery folder and that gets added to the library. the scenery, texture, and models sub folders should be in there.


models is there mostly incase anyone wants to modify the scenery. because the terminal and hangers on not regular BGL objects. I dont think its requiered for the scenery to work bu its in there just in case.

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