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FS2004 Scenery--Alaska North Slope 10; Kivalina KVL

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FS2004 Scenery--Alaska North Slope 10; Kivalina KVL. The town of Barrow is in the far north of Alaska, and these are coastal villages or radar installations to the west, south, and east of Barrow on the North Slope. There will be further additions. Kivalina is a small village (population around 350) midway in the 150 mile gap between Point Hope to the north and Kotzebue to the south. The village is on a spit of land that was growing smaller and smaller with every year of erosion and the rise of sea level. The runway is 3, 500 feet of gravel aligned 12-30 to the north of the village on the same spit. It was expected that 2025 would see the end of both village and runway, and possibly also the natural harbour that is the reason for the villages location. The modified width of the spit shown here is halved from the original FS9, and erosion has continued, enough that a sea defence wall has now been built. The video shows the runway and its neighbouring cemetry. There are other follow-on videos that show the real Alaska life in Kivalina and the problems in the north. The AI has a daily flight by an ERA Alaska Cessna 208B, and some GA; read the note about the 208 to be downloaded and/or properly installed. By Roger Wensley.


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