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FS2004 F9F-3 Panther / F9F-6 Cougar / F9F-8T Cougar

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FS2004 F9F-3 Panther / F9F-6 Cougar / F9F-8T Cougar trainer for AI. The Grumman F9F Panther was the manufacturer's first jet fighter and one of the United States Navy's first successful carrier-based jet fighters. A single-engined, straight-winged day fighter. The Panther was used extensively by the US Navy and the United States Marine Corps in the Korean War. It was also the first jet aircraft used by the Blue Angels flight team, being used by them from 1949 through to late 1954. The design evolved into the The Grumman F9F Cougar was an aircraft carrier-based fighter aircraft for the United States Navy. Based on Grumman's earlier F9F Panther, the Cougar replaced the Panther's straight wing with a more modern swept wing. Thrust was also increased significantly. The Navy considered the Cougar an updated version of the Panther, despite having a different official name, and thus Cougars started off from F9F-6 upward. Aircraft models and textures by David Wooster.

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