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FSX US Navy SNJ-5 N276RB

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FSX US Navy SNJ-5 N276RB. This is a repaint for the payware A2A Simulations AT-6 Texan. This repaint depicts the restored SNJ-5 BuNo. 91008 registered as N276RB to B and B Warbird Aviation Inc. This aircraft was originally produced in 1943 as an AT-6D with the USAAF serial number 44-81471 before being re-designated and re-assigned to the US Navy. The aircraft was restored in the 1980's, and was owned for a time by Robert Baranaskas (Warbirds Over Long Island), before being sold to its current owner/pilot, Buzz Cortese. The aircraft is a common sight at airshows on the east coast/New England region of the United States. By John Terrell.

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