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FS98 P-3C Orion 3-Pack

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FS98 P-3C Orion 3-Pack. Model with improved virtual cabin and flight dynamics. The Lockheed P-3 Orion is a maritime patrol, surveillance and submarine hunter aircraft, still in service nowadays. It was derived from the 1957 L-188 Electra, the only large U.S. turboprop airliner built, and was produced for the U.S. Navy from 1961 to 1990. It is powered by four 4600 shp Allison T56A14 turboprops and has a top speed of 411 knots. This release provides three liveries: Unit VP-6 of the US Navy Blue Sharks Squadron, Unit VP-4 of the Skinny Dragons, and one unit belonging to Grupo 22, EscuadrA3n 221, of the Spanish Air Force. Custom panel with custom gauges, as well as P-3 Orion turboprop sounds are included. Fine high quality detailed textures and improved .air file by Udo Entenmann. By Stephan Scholz.

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