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FSX Zeppelin LZ-114 And Dixmude

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FSX Zeppelin LZ-114 And Dixmude. Before the First World War, airships had been used as commercial airline carriers and for reconnaissance vehicles by the Army, no one had considered using them as bombers. Designed by Count Ferdinand Von Zeppelin, the airships were built from a rigid cigar shaped metal structure of circular frames connected by longitudinal beams. This made them strong enough to be fitted with engines and to carry a useful payload. There were steering fins at the rear and gondolas suspended below for the crew and engines. More crew compartments were inside the main frame as well as spaces for cargo and bags that contained the hydrogen gas for lift. By Andreas Becker.


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I think I download you first version, and that one it's a very good Zep ..."but" the Zep disappear from view before it's out the "Airport" if you did that please mention how to increase the length of visualization of the object before disappear from view (example the Nimitz air carrier it's visual for more than 20 miles)
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Hello dorianr...sorry for my late reply but I ususally don't visit this sit so frequently. I've tried the Zeps in FS2004 and FSX,SP2. Both versions didn't show your described disappearance. Probably or maybe you're using the Acceleration pack? This could be the only explanation to this rare behaviour.

I don't know, if there are other simmers who experience the same prob. At least, I didn't get any other remarks about this specific issue.

Greets from Belgium.


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This doesn't work for me in FSX Steam Edition. It will load without any disappearance issues, but the airship turns into a "bucking rodeo horse" within about two seconds and no matter what I do, I can't control it. :( This happens with both variations. There is something seriously askew with the flight dynamics. The only other Zeppelin I have is the one by First Class Simulations that came with their WWI Fighters Pack. That one does fly in a stable manner and I am able to control it. So I don't think the problem is with my piloting, although I don't know a lot about flying airships and I'm sure I have a lot of room for improvement. But for the aircraft to do this so rapidly (again, it happens within about two seconds of the flight loading) suggests to me that it has extremely unstable flight dynamics in FSX Steam Edition (which is much the same as Acceleration, I think). A pity, because it has a nice interior with some good details, and could be quite interesting, but it's just hopeless for me, sadly.
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