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X-Plane 10.40+ Scenery--KEKA Murray Field 1.0

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X-Plane 10.40+ Scenery--KEKA Murray Field 1.0, CA, USA. Murray Field is a county owned uncontrolled public airport located 3 miles east of Eureka, California. This airport has one 3000 foot long asphalt runway which supports some cargo operations run by FedEx. Most of the airports use is general aviation and has around 150 operations per day. Several instrument approaches are available, the low clouds and bad weather tend to suddenly approach here! Murray is located only 10 miles south from Arcata airport so if you're looking for a short hop that might be a good choice. Crescent City, Redding, and Willits Municipal are also some close airports which would make a nice scenic flight. Requires: OpenSceneryX (OPENSCENERYX.ZIP). By Chris Leipelt.

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