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FS2004 Europe Heli Scenery

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2 Screenshots

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FS2004 Europe Heli Scenery (UK, Belgium, Netherlands). Included in this package are: London Royal Hospital, London Heliport (Battersea), Vanguard Heliport, Lippitts Hill (EG11), Stensham Air Base (EG12) outside of Worcester, Sint-Pieter-Leeuw (EBSW) outside of Brussels, Amsterdam Heliport (EHHA), Heli Holland Heliport in Emmen (EH02), Heliair Harskamp Heliport (EH03). Requires CARS_JS.ZIP and LIGHTS_SS_V2P.ZIP. You will also need the MAIW library to get the trees to show up. Uses the MTrees1.bgl file. If you have the old Heli London package (LONDON_HELISCEN_V2.ZIP), please remove it as this contains the London sceneries as well. By Anders Samuelsson.

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