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FSX Finnair Airbus A350-900 XWB

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FSX Finnair Airbus A350-900 XWB, registration OH-LWA. This is an Airbus A350-941XWB in Finnair colors. This is normally the AI traffic FSP Airbus A350 but now flyable, read the readme for information. Repaint by Mathieu Vos (APSS). Model by FS Painter.

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Honest review/feedback #3


Lets get right into it

Pros) Handles Well (In Air), Decent Model, Good Sound, Good Textures

Cons) AI Conversion, Default A320 Cockpit (modded in), Ground Handling, Throttle Responsiveness, Broken ILS system, Broken Autopilot System


Summery) Well first off I want to thank the mod maker for making this mod and taking the effert. I personally would love to fly a quality Freeware A350, Sadly this is not the one. Before I get into the negatives let me talk about what the mod has going for it. The Model and Textures are both good. In flight itself she handles very well. And she has very nice custom sounds. Now lets get into why I don't like this mod. Its an AI Conversion, I'm sorry every single AI conversion I have encountered has had the same exact issues and its sad to see even this many years into FSX modding that AI conversions are still a thing. All of my "cons" for this aircraft are because its an AI conversion. It was never made to be a user controlled aircraft and it shows. First The cockpit, it uses the default A320 cockpit (okay this is nothing new, I don't like it but its nothing new) however it is modded to have a couple new "bells and whistles" This would be well and good if they actually worked, a good bit of them don't work or if they do they are broken. I could go into all the issues with the panel but it wold take up way to much time. The ground handling, On the ground this aircraft is very unresponsive to a turning radius. Her breaks are very bad (over-ran on what was a perfect landing because she effectively has no breaks.), She in a sense has no thrust reverse, Its in the aircraft but extremely too weak for any human controlled use. The throttle response is awful, I can't put it any other way. She barely gets off the ground at all and once you start climbing its very easy to stall out with only 1000fpm climb. Going back to the cockpit real quick, she has no functioning Autopilot or ILS in a sense, both are very broken. They were so bad I gave up trying to land via ILS at Beijing and just decided to land visually (which was unsuccessful due to the Breaks issue).


So overall do I recommend this mod (and its sister mods there are multiple ones, just look in the filename they are all similar filenames.) ? No I can not in good conscious recommend this aircraft in its current state. It has way to many issues to even be worth a download for me, She was removed from my library and will not be put back in. Even if there are updates. Like I said most of these issues are because it (the model) was never intended to be user controlled in the first place. So any update is just putting a bandaid on it. I want to like it, and if I needed it for an AI fleet then I will consider it. However as that illusive A350 freeware mod, This mod is not it.

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