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X-Plane 9 RAF BAC Jet Provost V1

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About This File

X-Plane 9 RAF BAC Jet Provost V1. The BAC Jet Provost was a British jet-powered trainer aircraft used by the Royal Air Force from 1955 to 1993. This is Jacques Brault's gorgeous v8.50 JetProvost revisited for v9 with permission. This also has the sound package by Dataroots. The author has modified the internal body to provide leg room, made the internal parts and fuse into an object, set the fuse object to be visible from the inside, then added some white hoop bodies to give a more realistic view. The only tweaks to the flight model were to increase the tilt down of the horizontal stab, and reduce the range of the trim slightly (to make it easier to adjust in flight). Full list of changes in the included Readme file. By Rich Robinson.

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