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FS2004/FSX Turbo Cavalier

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FS2004/FSX Turbo Cavalier. In 1957, the last of the active duty F-51s were withdrawn from ANG service. Extra fuel capacity in fixed tiptanks, stronger wingspars and a tall tail like the P-51H were added. With new ideas of how to keep the P-5 1 Mustang alive and in service, a Rolls Royce Dart 510 Turboprop was installed in civilian P-51 N6167U. This mod was not funded by the USAF, but by Cavalier. The new modification was called the Turbo Mustang III. Cavalier tried to get the USAF and other air forces interested in the project but no sales were made. Later, Cavalier sold the project to Piper and it became the PA-48 Enforcer. Gmax model by A.F. Scrub.

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