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FSX Scenery--North Central Ecuador v2

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FSX Scenery--North Central Ecuador v2. Version 2 of this scenery includes all previous patches/updates and includes an alternate option which works seamlessly with the roads/rivers added by FTX Global/Vector. It also includes minor visual updates as well as the ILS for runway 18. Building upon Menno Roberts' original SEQM (for the new Mariscal Sucre Internatioal Airport) as a starting point, this project grew into a complete airport and landclass upgrade for the area. (An SEQU encoded version of SEQM is also included to allow AI traffic to begin using the new airport immediately.) The new imagery corrects the position of the airport and implements the airport's slight tilt to the west. Almost every element has shifted from its original location to match its real-world location. The main terminal is rebuilt, buildings are added, gates are resized to the satellite image, and gate assignments are made at the jetways to allow the smaller planes access to those gates when the large planes are not present. The parking lot and service areas also receive a facelift, and a new airport background, as well as a custom polygon, follows and preserves the contour of the original plateau. Roads now connect the airport to the main highway, default roads (with traffic), rivers and lakes are corrected within roughly 100 square miles, and a new Ibarra/Atahualpa (SEIB) airport, as well as the addition of corrected city textures, is included. Default lake elevations and shapes are corrected, and startup files are included to fly from the lakes and the Ibarra/Atahualpa (SEIB) airport. Scenery was created using Airport Design Editor X v1.61.5298, SBuilderX 3.13, and the FSX Object Placement Tool. Scenery objects were added and modified from stock FSX scenery to resemble as closely as possible the actual airport. Thank you to Menno Robert for granting permission to edit his original SEQM file. By Carlyle Sharpe.

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I actually have SEGU done as well and have been using it for my own, personal use with FTX Global/Vector. It is another one of Menno Robert's original airports that I have adapted to the satellite image. Let me get in touch with Menno about permission. I'll also need to test it with the default FSX.




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Hello guys,

i have just installed this scenery but i think that i should uninstall it. I have some cranks and sand in the middle of runway:(

An screenshot is attached.

If there is a solution please.

Thanks and kind regards



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Hello guys,

i have just installed this scenery but i think that i should uninstall it. I have some cranks and sand in the middle of runway:(

An screenshot is attached.

If there is a solution please.

Thanks and kind regards



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Hello guys,

i have just installed this scenery but i think that i should uninstall it. I have some cranks and sand in the middle of runway:(

An screenshot is attached.

If there is a solution please.

Thanks and kind regards



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I'm really sorry. I do not what happens here that this has been posted three times. I apologize myself

Good day for all of you

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