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FSX Pilotable Tall Ships

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FSX Pilotable Tall Ships, with four sailing ships of the Gorch Fock Class. A package with four pilotable three mast sailing training ships of the Gorch Fock class. There is the "Gorch Fock/2" of the German navy, the US Coast Guard vessel "Eagle", the "Sagres" from Portugal's navy and the "Mircea" from the Romanian Navy. All models are made by Henrik Nielsen and belongs to his huge AI fleet package (179_AI_SHIPS_AND_AI_SHIP_TRAFFIC.ZIP). His fleet brings ship traffic into the empty sea of the default FSX and more reality into empty harbors, f.i. a tallship race in the fjord of Kiel, Germany. This addon provides four pilotable versions of those pretty sail training ships. Fourteen camera views let you explore the ships; not only the decks but also the views of sailors working high above in the masts. A saved flight for a tall ship race into the harbor of Kiel, Germany is included. Configuration for the pilotable versions and cameras by Erwin Welker. (See also FIX-REPAIRED_PACKAGE4TALLSHIPS.ZIP)

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