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X-Plane 10 Eugen Sanger Antipodal Amerika Bomber

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X-Plane 10 Eugen Sanger Antipodal Amerika Bomber. Silbervogel, German for silver bird, was a design for a rocket-powered sub-orbital bomber aircraft produced by Eugen Sanger and Irene Bredt in the late 1930s for the Third Reich/Nazi Germany. It is also known as the RaBo (Raketenbomber or "rocket bomber"). It was one of a number of designs considered for the Amerika Bomber mission, which started out in the spring of 1942 being focused solely on trans-Atlantic range piston-engined strategic bombers, like the Messerschmitt Me 264 and Junkers Ju 390, the only two airframe types actually built and flown for the competition. Full documentation is included in the download. By Billy Bargagliotti.


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