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FS2004/FSX M6A Aichi Seiran

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About This File

FS2004/FSX M6A Aichi Seiran Floatplane. These planes were intended for catapult launches on IJN submarine aircraft carriers like I-400. Such kinds of Japanese submarines, with a length of 120 m, were the biggest submarines of WWII. It is not imaginable, but that those submarines was able to carry three Aichi Seiran floatplanes in their hangar. This Aichi Seiran has a VC and an animated navigator/gunner and a animated bomb. Also an AI version is included for those who like to create traffic with a take off from such an AI submarine (requires I400-SUBMARINEPACKAGE.ZIP). You can make also a catapult launch using the great tool "AiCarriers2" (AICARRIERS2.ZIP) and the saved flight. Made with FSDS 3.5 by Erwin Welker.

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