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FS2004 Scenery--Old Crow

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FS2004 Scenery--Old Crow (CYOC) in Yukon Territory, Canada. Old Crow is in the far north of the Yukon Territory, Canada, 115 miles south of the nearest coastline and 30 miles east of the border with Alaska. The town has a population of less than 300 and the population are reliant on the caribou migration for an annual food supply replenishment. This, and the fact that it is the only Yukon town that cannot be reached by car, makes the airport more important. There are regular flights by Air North, the Yukon airline, and they are included in the AI. The airport is beside the town that is built along a bank of the Porcupine River. The runway is gravel and just over 5000 feet long, aligned 03-21.The terminal building is specific to Old Crow, but the hangars are approximations and the village houses representational. By Roger Wensley.


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