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X-Plane 8 And 9 Noorduyn Norseman

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X-Plane 8 And 9 Noorduyn Norseman. The Noorduyn Norseman is a Canadian single-engine bush plane designed to operate from unimproved surfaces. Originally introduced in 1935, the Norseman remained in production for almost 25 years with over 900 produced. A number of examples remain in commercial and private use to this day. Norseman aircraft are known to have been registered and/or operated in 68 countries throughout the world and also have been based and flown in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Important: please see the enclosed Readme file for the correct installation procedure. Thanks to Dataroots for the sounds files. Thanks also to scooter for the figures and to Ho-Hun for the custom instruments. By Jacques Brault.


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