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FS2004 Scenery--Grande Prairie

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FS2004 Scenery--Grande Prairie (CYQU) in Alberta, Canada. Grande Prairie is at 2195 feet asl, 65 miles southeast of Dawsons Creek, 90 miles southwest of Peace River (both already posted on FlightSim.Com) and about 60 miles east of the Rockies. The town has a population of around 55,000 and growing. The airport is just to the west of the town, and was originally a military base, built during WW2. The two runways are 07-25 and 11-29 and 6200 and 6500 feet respectively, both 200 feet wide. When one is the active runway then the other is used as a taxiway. AI in FS2004 doesn't like this, and usually just stops at the first hold short without ever reaching the active runway. This sulky behaviour has been overcome and AI will now use taxiway A and whichever runway is inactive to feed to and from both ends of the active runway. AI will not use taxiway B as it is too narrow for a 737, while taxiway A is very wide with a repaired central section marked out for use. AI includes Westjet and Air Canada Jazz. All the buildings are modeled specifically for CYQU. By Roger Wensley.



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