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FSX F-51D Mustang "Was That Too Fast"

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FSX F-51D Mustang "Was That Too Fast". This is a complete and revised version of a previous repaint for the payware Warbirdsim product 'Mustang Tales'. This revised repaint includes numerous updates and additions to more closely replicate the details of the finished restoration - including more stencils, corrected markings, new rocket and bomb textures, revised cockpit textures, and more. This repaint depicts the latest P-51D restoration to emerge from the workshops of Midwest Aero Restorations. Finished in the markings of a 36th FIS, 12th FBG F-51D named "Was That Too Fast", the aircrafts first post-restoration flight occurred on July 14, 2013, and it has since won the Post-WWII Warbird Grand Champion Award at EAA Airventure 2013. The repaint, intended for use only with 'Mustang Tales', utilizes a model that is fitted with the common (but rarely seen today) post-WWII ARC-3 radio set, as well as rockets and bombs, matching the same configuration as the restored aircraft. By John Terrell.

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