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FSX EditVoicepack ATC Phraseology Mods Set 1

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FSX EditVoicepack ATC Phraseology Mods Set 1. Five mods for default FSX ATC phraseology. 1) Adds a "caution, windshear reported on final" warning to the thunderstorms observation that appears in ATIS messages. 2) Same as above, but with phrase "severe thunderstorms in the area" for severe thunderstorms. 3) This adds a wind check to the phrase tower uses for VFR takeoffs. It also adds the instruction to fly runway heading to 500 feet AGL, then turn on course, which is what AI VFR departures do in the sim (at least in FSX SP2). 4) Adds the "maintain runway heading to 500, then proceed on course" pilot readback for VFR takeoffs. 5) Adds the windshear warning described above to VFR and IFR landing clearances when thunderstorms are in the area. By David Atkinson.

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