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FSX United Nations Douglas C-117D

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About This File

FSX United Nations Douglas C-117D, UN-147. Repaint textures for the Manfred Jahn and team Douglas C117D (C117D_V1_BETA.ZIP). Repainted using Mr. Jahn's Photoshop paint kit templates converted to bitmap and dds for compatibility with freeware paint programs. Saved in 2048x2048 32 bit format. All hand painted details, including photoreal decals. Also includes engine exhaust smoke coordinates which you can add to your aircraft.cfg if you wish. A fictional repaint based on paint features seen on several real world UN aircraft, with the number UN-147 on the rear fuselage where the registration number is usually located, which is based on the real world UN aircraft Casa C-212 UN-146, which was operated by the Uruguayan Air Force FAU-531 until its mountain crash in Haiti in 2009, killing all 11 peacekeepers on board. This UN-147 repaint wears the Uruguayan Air Force markings and flag also, in remembrance of UN-146. Screenshots enclosed. Easy installation. Repaint by Tom Tiedman.

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