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FSX Scenery--Glens Falls Floyd Bennett Memorial

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FSX Scenery--Glens Falls Floyd Bennett Memorial v3.0, located in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York (NY), USA, this facility is owned by Warren County and run by RichAir. Although it has a 5000 foot main runway, KGFL is a non-controlled airfield catering to small engine aircraft up to a few private jet daily traffic serving 'The Northcountry' New York. KGFL recently received several upgrades including four new GA hangars large enough to accommodate the needs of business jets. All objects fully designed and completely redone in Gmax using high resolution custom photo-real textures. Complete rebuild from the ground up for FSX since v2.2. Also includes new ADE file, more accurate airport grounds perimeter, satellite photo-real grounds, custom taxiways, 3D taxi-signs and taxi lights, area roads, animated hangar doors, and near area landclass. No AI traffic tracks included with this release, but ADE designed to support several AI. FSX Acceleration required. By EdGeneer Cox.

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Can't wait to try this, Jim Cooke's great FS9 Scenery not great in my FSX, love the diner and grumpy owner that used to cook there! Me-"Whats good on the menu?" Her-"Whats good? Nothing! If you want something good go to Lake George!"

Fly Skyhawk 63659 out of KSCH there a lot for the good food!

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