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FS2004 Scenery--Chisasibi

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FS2004 Scenery--Chisasibi (CSU2) in north Quebec, Canada. Chisasibi is in northern Quebec on the east shore of James Bay, 60 miles from the corner of James Bay and Hudson Bay. Originally called Fort George and founded at the mouth of La Grande Riviere around the Hudson Bay trading post that was established in 1803, the town had to move 5 miles upstream in 1981 when the Quebec hydro project increased the flow rate of the river. The name was changed to Chisasibi at the time of the move and the population (750 as early as 1940) has now grown to around 2000. The original Fort George airport runway is still visible but not usable, just south of the original town site. Chisasibi airport is to the west of the new town, and the gravel runway is 3792 feet long and aligned 14/32, which is approximately parallel to the river. There is officially no fuel available, but there is JetA on site for Air Creebec in a tank protected by used fuel drums (filled with sand?). There are two AI flights by Air Creebec each day plus other private planes. The terminal and the garage building are both relatively new and the terminal is unusual; the airport appears at 8:12 in the video and in this post the textures are definitely included. By Roger Wensley.


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