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FSX Features For Pilotable WWII Armed Merchant Cruiser

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FSX Features For Pilotable WWII Armed Merchant Cruiser. FSX features for the pilotable Japanese WWII Armed Merchant Cruiser Asaka Maru. The ship is a detailed CFS2 AI ship from Usio No Ibuki. To get the FSX-converted version you have to download the scenery TRUK_ATOLL_1945.ZIP from Tom Stovall and friends. This add-on provides a pilotable ship with bridge, sounds and special effects. Nine camera views let you explore the ship. You can insert rotatable guns and you can set a Nakajima Dave floatplane onto the catapult. A "flight", approaching the Japanese Fleet at the Truk Atoll with your vessel is included. Panel and configuration by Erwin Welker.

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