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FS2004 Paintshop And Photoshop Paint Kit For RFAI Falcon

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FS2004 Paintshop And Photoshop Paint Kit For RFAI Falcon. Basic paintkit in Photoshop and Paintshop Pro formats for repainting the RFAI Falcon 2000 series hosted exclusively here on FlightSim.Com as RFAI_FALCON_2000.ZIP. These are to get some people started. These were the ones used during development of the models and can be improved. There is likely to be a superior paintkit in the near future to which you can transfer your texture layers for better results (presently delayed awaiting some real-world Falcon images for some parts). Repainters are encouraged to enhance the paintkit and redistribute it free of restrictions (with the one requirement that they include a link back to FlightSim.Com for the original model). By Morello Ciliegia and Richard Faith.

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