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FSX North American P-51D Mustang NZ2406

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FSX North American P-51D Mustang NZ2406. This is a repaint only for the payware Warbirdsim P-51D "Little Friends" product. P-51D-30-NT 45-11495 was manufactured at the North American Aviation plant in Dallas in 1945, destined for the Royal New Zealand Air Force. However, shipped to New Zealand and placed directly into storage, the aircraft wouldn't make its first flight with the RNZAF until August 19, 1951, after being taken out of storage at Ardmore. The aircraft is noted to have been with 75 Sqn in July 1952, and served with 2 Sqn from June 22, 1953 to Nov 25, 1955. Sold by tender with the remaining RNZAF Mustangs, the wings were chopped off, and it is reported to have eventually made its way to the RNZAF Museum. The surviving fuselage of the aircraft was sold to a private owner in the UK in the 90's, who had plans to restore the aircraft to flying condition, but eventually sold the project to Bob Baker in the U.S. in around 2006. With a new set of wings restored for the aircraft, the restoration was completed in the summer of 2009, painted in the colors of "Little Rebel", a 352nd FG P-51 Mustang. This repaint depicts the aircraft as it was in January of 1955. By John Terrell.

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