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FSX The Pisa Trip

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FSX The Pisa Trip. A real-world trip round eight European countries as described by Dr Peter Baron on PilotWeb, here reproduced with his permission for FSX pilots. Full flight plans are included, with Peter Baron's description of the trip, interspersed with tips for carrying out the flights in FSX. Also includes recommendations and links for various add-ons, some of are essential for the full enjoyment of a magnificent scenic experience. "The plan was to fly from Denham, through France to Cannes, round the coast to Pisa and Venice, and come home the long way, circumnavigating the Alps anti-clockwise. The trip would take a week or so, with the option of some mountain flying from Eggenfelden in Germany on the way back if the weather was really good." By Gordon Wilkinson and Dr Peter Baron.

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